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Our Story

Who are we ?

Our Story


At the start of this adventure, it was the idea of ​​two friends Olivier Ferrari and Sébastien Buchs of identical training who decided to create their company. We are in 2015, the company EvoLink SA was born.

Quickly, Yves Contat joined EvoLink and the rise of IP telephony gave them the idea of ​​offering SMEs telecommunications solutions adapted to new technologies.

In partnership with the telecommunications giant in Switzerland: Swisscom. They offer their services and take care of providing customers with the most suitable solution, its administrative management as well as the final installation on site.

In 2017, they bought a company from Friborg in the IT sector to expand their offer.

Today, EvoLink SA is a team of 30 employees headquartered in Daillens (VD). There are also 3 subsidiaries in the cantons of Friborg, Geneva and Valais. Each working to satisfy an ever-growing clientele whose needs are constantly evolving.

EvoLink SA has been able to adapt to the market, to demand and to diversify its catalog of services by offering the following services:

  • Software solutions for the digitization of SMEs (GED)
  • Audits and IT asset management
  • Cyber ​​security
  • New tools like Microsoft Teams
  • Training

Find out more about us by watching our film, “EvoLink in figures”