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Entreprise Content Management

Many acronyms, but one purpose: Simplify access to and use of your corporate data.

Contents and documents within your organization, accessible easily, quickly and intuitively

Your needs

  • Save time and money
  • Increase the performance and productivity of your staff
  • Guarantee the security and compliance of your data
  • Access all your content at all times
  • Manage and monitor your processes
  • Promote sustainable development by reducing your use of paper

Entreprise content management encompasses the tools, processes and strategies that enable information to be acquired, processed, stored and made available.

For more information, please contact us.

<a href="">Infographie Vecteurs par Vecteezy</a>

Entreprise Content Management

One unified experience

Any process

Your operational processes can be automated according to your needs. Whether it is invoicing, tracking or, and document approval, project management, you keep your files and objects traceable and you gain efficiency.

Any repository
Regardless of the server, directory or database where information is stored, it will be accessible, regardless of its original location if it is on one of the many supported repositories. M-Files will interface with: Network Folders, Dropbox, Sharepoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Bocx, Onbase, Laserfish, opentext, Documentum, Imanage, Google Drive, FileNet, Docuware, Synplicirty, Salesforce.

Any type of information
Whether it’s an e-mail, letter, invoice, delivery note, offer or any other object that is not a document (vehicle, employee, asset, etc.), everything related to your research will be accessible and visible.

Any device
You can access your information from a tablet, laptop, smartphone or a desktop computer.

Any user interface
From the M-Files desktop client, from a web browser or from your usual application interface (Teams, Sharepoint, Sales-Force, MS Dynamics, etc.), M-Files can be easily integrated into a large number of interfaces .

Market solutions


Various abbreviations define the IT solutions aimed at the management of documents and more generally of the content (data) of a company.

EDM (electronic document management), also known as DMS (document management system), is essentially based on the management of documents (files) of a company, whether they are issued from digital or paper origin

ECM (enterprise content management), for its part, is not limited to the simple notion of document (file), but makes it possible to manage all of a company’s content (data) . Its rapid development and the increase in its functionalities sometimes lead to talk of CSP (content services platform).

Through its CSP platform or its ECM products, EvoLink offers you personalized and flexible solutions according to your needs. Intelligent information management solutions that go beyond document storage, but allow the management of all your content, and also encompass the possibility of managing and automating all or part of your operational processes.